I thought I'd compare old and new pics of myself pre and post weight loss. I don't know if this is as visible to me as everyone else.... but this is a my little reward for losing 25 lbs:) I actually have my chin back!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Posted by Emily at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
So I found this super cute wallet on Etsy and thought, "wow, only 8 bucks...score!". Yeah, that excitement was short-lived until I realized I bought the PATTERN to MAKE IT! Ugh! I do NOT sew and this task seems overwhelming. It will be interesting to see how this one turns out for sure!
Posted by Emily at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
First Day of School!
I finally have something to post! Although, I'm not sure who actually reads my blog, but I consider it therapy for me at least.:) The long awaited First Day of School! These kiddos have had one long summer. They got out of school the first week in June and didn't have to go back until today due to moving to Washington when we did. They truly lucked out, but inevitably, the fun had to come to an end. Breigh was running around last night making sure she had all her things and told me "I'm so excited, but I'm so nervous too!". I know they're both going to be just fine. Here's hoping they had a great 1st day!
Posted by Emily at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 4, 2012
For real this time! We are finally moving to the pacific northwest and could not be happier about it! I feel like I am finally "going home":) As I was pondering this big move (seriously corner to corner!), I just realized all of the wonderful things I will be giving up here in Florida to start a new life in Redmond, Washington. When I first moved to Florida, my whole life changed....for the better. I had instant friends, everyone was so warm and welcoming. I finished school and started my career here. I met my husband here. I had my children here. We ended up in the most awesome ward ever here. And as I sit and think about moving, it brings tears to my eyes. We've had some really great memories here. My mom always says that they have picked up a spouse everywhere they have moved and the purpose for moving to Florida with my parents 16 years ago was, without a doubt, solely for me to find my husband and start our new life together, for whom I am eternally grateful. So, we're ending one chapter of our life and starting another. It's bitter sweet, but I will never forget Florida.
Posted by Emily at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2011
New toy!
This weekend, we got something we've been wanting for a LONG time. We purchased this beauty.....
and I.....am in love!!
I grew up with music in my home. If it wasn't my two sisters playing the piano, it was my dad stringing his guitar often in the evenings as I would come home from being out with friends or coming home from the days activities. I remember him trying to teach me to play the guitar and learning "Country Road" by John Denver, callouses and all. It didn't stick, but I can't think about John Denver without lovingly thinking about my dad and maybe shedding a tear or two from fond memories of him. So, now I need to learn how to play all over again and it needs to be tuned, but I can't wait to get started!
Posted by Emily at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 3, 2011
3 months and counting....
I just got this beauty in the mail and now I need to be able to actually look good in it. So, the countdown begins. Let the workouts and crunches begin. I'm going to see if I can lose 20 pounds by July 1st, roughly thee months from now, which coincidentally happens to be when I'll be flying out to Utah and Washington to see my family..yay! Wish me luck! :)
Posted by Emily at 3:38 PM 4 comments