Wednesday, August 8, 2007


My friend has a blog entited "Make Me Smile Monday" though I'm late, better late than never right?

JEPSON - I was thinking of putting Jepson in soccer or T-ball this year and I asked him "what do you want to play, soccor or t-ball? to which he replies "I would like to play X-box!" Oh the times, they are a changin! Little stinker.

BREIGH - Ok... I'm a terrible mom, I can't really think of any Breigh-isms. I really need to be writing them down as they happen, but I'm not that organized. Breigh is really overcoming her shyness and stepping outside of her little shell and I am very pleased about that. I am getting more and more comments like "wow, I never knew Breigh could talk so much"! Oh yes...welcome to my world. She is shy until you get to know her and then she just won't quit. I do remember one time we were riding in the car with my parents and Breigh was just talking up a storm and my dad leaned over and said "Is there an off button on you? and she says "no, but I got a belly button!". Classic! :)


tharker said...

Holy cow, you could have taken the words directly out of Josh's mouth! He would have responded the same way!

I love Briegh's response to your dad. And it's very funny to me that I can absolutely hear those words coming out of your dad's mouth too! Love it!