Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well, here it is October and I was hoping to lose 10 lbs by now but I lost 6 and I really can't complain. A dear friend of mine who has inspired me (who she herself has lost 65 lbs!!! go Feather!) has directed me to a site which I LOVE and felt that I really needed to blog about it and share my new find with others. is the best site I have found to help me to lose weight. It has meal plans, fitness and nutrition trackers for people to track their weight progress. And the best part it is... it's completely FREE! It has been very informative for me, so anyone who is trying to lose weight, give sparkpeople a try!


tharker said...

Free is always a major bonus! That sounds like a great website. I've never understood the need to charge people hundreds of dollars to get healthy. I think this must be their mantra, "We'll help you get skinny, while fattening up our wallets".

Can't wait to hear more about your progress. It sounds like you are completely committed to this, and it will pay off!!

Why don't you live closer to me? I totally miss you!!! : )

Tasha said...

I love spark people! Infact that is how I found your blog!I was searching under google's blog search for other people that are using sparkpeople. I lost about 10 lbs when I first joined the site and then I got busy and yea... I haven't gained back any weight but I haven't lost any. Anyways I plan on getting started again this week! My goal is to loose 15-20 lbs by Christmas. Anyways I hope this isn't too weird for you.

Emily said...

Welcome whow! I'm glad you found me! Hope to hear from you again.

Tasha said...

I hope you don't mind but I added you to my links on my side bar! Hope you are having a great week!

shoeaddict said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. My main blog is Diary of a Shoe Addict ( and you posted a comment on my new blog Shoeaddict Says, which is all about TV.

I am going to check out sparkpeople. Thanks.