Friday, December 14, 2007

All is well

I just wanted to give an update. Breigh weathered the surgery well and is at home recuperating. She flipped out a little after the surgery was over with when she was in the recovery room. She wasn't awake enough from the drugs they gave her and she kept yelling "I want to go home now"...."Take me home NOW!" We had to re-assure her that they weren't going to be doing anything else to her and we promised we would take her home when she woke up a little bit more. But, she is almost back to normal as she has been yelling at her brother, so her throat is definitely getting better. Her voice is a little higher and it's funny to listen to her talk now. I wanted to cry the first time I heard her breathe. She can breathe through her nose when she sleeps, which she has never been able to do and the snoring is GONE! My baby can breathe now and it is such a good feeling!

Anyways...she made me laugh a little today. We were driving home from having lunch and she said "Mom, how come cows butts are shaped like hearts?" I never really thought about that before, but I guess they kind of are shaped like! From the mouth of a 7-year-old..too funny!


tharker said...

I'm so glad that Breigh is doing well from her surgery. Man, I should think about doing this for Josh. He snores almost as loud as his father!

I've never thought about the shape of a cow's derriere either. Funny, funny girl that Breigh!

tharker said...

Is your email the same? If so...CHECK IT!!!


