Friday, May 16, 2008

How RUDE!!!

So I decided to have lunch with my kids at school the other day and so Todd and I headed over to meet them. After we ate our lunch, the kids recycle their trays and then line up at the door at the other end of the lunch room to go out for recess. Well, Breigh wanted me to walk her to the door and then I was going to kiss her goodbye except I didn't get the chance because as I was walking her through the hallway to the door, a woman stopped me and said in a VERY not nice tone" Excuse me... are you visiting?" I politely replied "yes?" She said "You can't be out there in the hallway, after the kids are done eating you have to go back to the office". I felt like I had been stopped by the lunchroom Nazi!! I said "I was just walking my daughter to the door." The lady then turned to me and rolled her yes at me... AS IF!!! I was so upset.

Why do people have to be SO RUDE?!? I was nice to her, why does she have to inflict her bad mood on me? Sheesh! I will do almost anything for someone who asks me nicely.. I'm just sayin'!


tharker said...

I do not like rude people! It sounds like that lady is ready for school to be OUT!

Good to see you back on the blog :)