Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time Out For Women!

In February, I was able to go to a Time Out For Women conference in Orlando with some friends and we had a blast! It was a much needed break for us busy moms and gave us a chance to be spiritually uplifted and re-energize. We were all so excited to have a girls weekend together. Nice hotel, good food and good friends....yes please!! Thanks for a wonderful weekend ladies!

Dinner out with the girls at TGI Fridays...we ate WAY too much, but oh was it worth it!

More dinner fun with the girls.

We just HAD to get a picture of our super cute totes in front of the stage. Seriously, how cute are those totes??!!

The woman in this picture was an AMAZING speaker. She was so inspirational that the poor woman barely got a lunch break because so many people wanted a picture with her. She was awesome!


tharker said...

So fun! There's a group of women from my ward going in a couple of weeks, but I won't be able to attend :(

Looks like a great time, and hello! Those bags are cute!!!

{amy k.} said...

i love time out for women! i've only been one time and LOVED every minute of it! if i'm lucky, they'll be holding it at the conference center where i work next february... maybe that'll boost my chances i've getting to go! :) looks like you ladies had a blast and i am loving the totes, too cute!