Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Christmas Dishes

OK, I realize there's a pattern forming here with dishes... I don't know why, they're like purses and shoes for me..... I love to have lots of them. My mom calls me Imelda Marcos (apparently she has a fetish for shoes like me).

Here are my Christmas dishes and I am really happy with them! I got them online and wasn't sure how they would look upclose, but I really like them and they arrived without one crack or break, even better! They have found their happy place at my dining room table. The only problem is they only come in a set for 4 and there are 6 place settings at my table, but I think they're worth it!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Uneventful Thanksgiving...

Well, we had an uneventful Thanksgiving. It was just us and my mother-in-law, pretty small all and all, but we cooked a feast fit for 20, yet there were only 5 of us! You gotta love leftovers!:)

I wanted to put up the Christmas tree Thanksgiving night, but alas Todd said no. So I waited until the next day....tee-hee! As I was getting everything out, I realized that I need to replenish some of the ones that are falling apart, so no complete pictures yet, but I will post them up as soon as I get them and finish my runs to Target!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Merry Christmas to me!

I have been wanting this new dinnerware set from target for a few months now, but everytime I go to look at buying it, they are always completely out. So, I found it online and Todd gave me the go ahead to order it for myself for Christmas! Whoo-hoo! Aren't they adorable?!?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My sweet boy...

Friday I spent the afternoon taking Jepson to a doctor's appt, a pediatric neurologist to be exact. Driving 45 minutes to a not so nice part of town was not at the top of my "fun"things to do, but for my baby boy, how could I not.

His teachers at school mentioned to us that Jepson delays his response to questions that are asked him by 5-7 seconds. We have noticed this at home too, so we were a little concerned about this and with his history of being "developmentally delayed" since he was 3, we thought a neurological workup would be worth looking into.

So, he has to get an MRI with sedation, EEG and complete blood workup done. The doctor thinks he may have a audiological processing delay and ADD. Immediately, I had this knot at the bottom of my stomach am SO not looking forward to putting him through all of this. As scared as I am though, I am really interested to see what the results will show. I don't want him to struggle in school like I did and if he gets the help he needs, then it will be worth it.

The fun begins next month so I will keep you all updated!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

In the spirit of giving

Since Thanksgiving is upon us, I was thinking of the little things I am thankful for. here are a few:

Fuzzy slippers. I love waking up on a cold morning and getting into my fuzzy, cozy pink slippers that Breigh gave me last year for Christmas.

My kids' uncontrollable laughter. It always makes me laugh when they just can't seem to stop and get that belly laugh going. Classic.

Fresh flowers. I love to stop and smell the roses, especially the ones I planted under a tree in my backyard. I love having fresh flowers in the house. It makes me feel so "Martha Stewart".

Good kids. Now granted, my kids are not perfect, but I have been told I have very good children and that just does a mother's heart good. I feel like I must be doing something right!

Pumpkin spice candles. What would I do without my pumpkin spice candles that makes my house a home. I love coming home to that smell, it just puts a big goofy smile on my face :)

I could go on and on, but these are just a few of my favorites!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

We had great fun trick-or-treating this year, although we didn't actually get out of the house until around 8 (the kids bedtime), but we handed out all our candy until then and then made our rounds throughout the neighborhood. Jepson answered the door and passed out the candy while Breigh was getting her face painted. He was so funny. When the kids came to our door, a few of them would just open their bag for the candy to be dispensed in them and Jepson would say "say trick-or-treat!!!". I was cracking up. He loved everyones costumes and commented on each and every one. Here are our pics from the spooky night.

I love the look on her face, like a zombie!

Here's a closeup of her face. Pretty cool huh?!?!

Breigh was supergirl, but not just any supergirl. A supergirl dripping with blood and kryptonite all over her face. This was completely her own idea. When she told her friends about the kryptonite at school they had no idea what kryptonite was. She said "don't you people watch Smallville!" lol. I think Todd did an awesome job painting her face. It's one of my favorite Halloween traditions!

Spidey using his web. I can't count how many times I've been "webbed".

My Spidey-Man posing for me. Isn't he the cutest?!?!

I hope everyone had a fun night!