Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Spidey-Man

About 2 weeks ago, I decided to get the kids their Halloween costumes early because a)I don't sew (well besides curtains and table cloths) and b)I wanted to beat the rush of moms buying their kids' costumes. So I decided to get Jepson this spiderman costume. I don't know if you can tell, but it has built-in muscles so he looks all ripped in the chest. I wasn't sure how he would react to getting this costume, because he really wanted an "ironman" costume, but Target didn't have Ironman. When I brought it home, he not only liked it, but every day after school he would change and turn into spiderman and the following day he would become "Peter Parker" again when going to school. He has worn his costume so much that I am going to have to mend the 2 holes that are in it already. He has even gone so far as to tell me his name is not Jepson, it's "spidey." Silly boy! So I thought I would get "Spidey" in action and snapped a picture. More Halloween pics to come later:)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hannah Montana Frenzy!

Ok... I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I LOVE Hannah Montana! I realize that I am 30 years old and most of her audience is geared for youngsters, but I have finally found a non-animated show that I actually enjoy watching with my 7-year-old daughter. Her songs are awesome and I think empower young girls to be their best self. "Nobody's Perfect" and "I've Got Nerve" just to name a few of my favs.

Well, to my delightment, I found out that Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) is coming to town in November and I thought I would surprise Breigh with tickets. So last Saturday I got on the phone the day tickets went on sale. Do you know the concert sold out in like 3 minutes! NOT FAIR! I guess that's way it goes. I'm just bummed :(

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Miracle Toddler Diet

My friend sent me this and I thought it so hilarious I just had to share. Those of you with toddlers or who have had toddlers can truly appreciate this!

Over the years you may have noticed that most two year olds are trim.
Now the formula to their success is available to all in this new diet...
The Miracle Toddler Diet.
(You may want to consult your doctor before trying this diet.
If not, you may be seeing him afterwards.) Good Luck !!!

Breakfast: One scrambled egg, one piece of toast with grape jelly.
Eat 2 bites of egg, using your fingers; dump the rest on the floor.
Take 1 bite of toast, then smear the jelly over your face and clothes.

Lunch: Four crayons (any color), a handful of potato chips, and a
glass of milk (3 sips only, then spill the rest).

Dinner: A dry stick, two pennies and a nickel, 4 sips of flat Sprite.

Bedtime Snack: Throw a piece of toast on the kitchen floor.


Breakfast: Pick up stale toast from kitchen floor and eat it.
Drink half bottle of vanilla extract or one vial of vegetable dye.
Lunch: Half tube of "Pulsating Pink" lipstick and a handful of
Purina Dog Chow (any flavor). One ice cube, if desired.
Afternoon Snack: Lick an all-day sucker until sticky, take outside,
drop in dirt. Retrieve and continue slurping until it is clean again.
Then bring inside and drop on rug.
Dinner: A rock or an uncooked bean, which should be thrust up your
left nostril. Pour Grape Kool-Aid over mashed potatoes; eat with spoon.
Breakfast: Two pancakes with plenty of syrup, eat one with fingers,
rub in hair. Glass of milk; drink half, stuff other pancake in glass. After
breakfast, pick up yesterdays sucker from rug, lick off fuzz, put it on
the cushion of best chair.

Lunch: Three matches, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Spit several
bites onto the floor. Pour glass of milk on table and slurp up.

Dinner: Dish of ice cream, handful of potato chips, some red punch.
Try to laugh some punch through your nose, if possible.

Breakfast: A quarter tube of toothpaste (any flavor), bit of soap, an
olive. Pour a glass of milk over bowl of cornflakes, add half a cup of
sugar. Once cereal is soggy, drink milk and feed cereal to dog.
Lunch: Eat bread crumbs off kitchen floor and dining room carpet.
Find that sucker and finish eating it.
Dinner: A glass of spaghetti and chocolate milk. Leave meatball on
plate. Stick of mascara for dessert.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What DORKS!!!!

Ok. I had an experience today that I just had to blog about. Being the artist that my husband is, he likes comic books and has been collecting them for years. I was a bit embarrassed of this when we met, but love him nonetheless :) He's been out of it for awhile and thought it would be fun to share his love for comic books with our children. So we meandered over to the comic book store with the kids and let them pick out two of their favorites. As I looked around, I could not believe what I was seeing. 30 and 40-year-old grown men playing "cards" with each other and arguing about which villians rock. OMG... could they BE bigger dorks?!?! I mean do they have nothing better to do with their time than hang out at the comic book store? And they wonder why they're It just amazed me and opened my eyes to this new world. I actually had to go into a corner of the store and mask my snickering at them. I just couldn't help myself. Geez!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


So I joined Weight Watchers last night in a last ditch effort to lose this extra weight I have been hanging on to. Today was my first day and I have to say, I feel really good! The motivation is back and I am hoping to lose 10 pounds by October 1st. Wish me luck!