Monday, August 27, 2007

I did it

Ok.. here they are enjoy!

The Kid's First Day at School



No Pics

Ok, so I'm having technical difficulties and cannot figure out how to get my pictures posted up..but believe you me... I WILL! Bare with me :)

The First Day of School..

Last Monday was the first day of school for the kids and they were SO excited. Breigh was all dressed and ready before she even came down for breakfast. I remember being excited to see all my friends like that on the first day when I was a kid....those were the days! I tried to get some pictures of them coming off the bus, but they were too quick for me. So here they are.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Why is it SO HARD!!!

I have been trying to lose weight for the better part of the year. At one point I lost 15 pounds and now I have gained it all back!!! It is SO aggravating. I think my problem is lack of self control and self discipline. When we go out to eat, I justify getting what I want because it is a "special occasion" and end up gaining weight because of it. The problem is we go out quite often and I can't use that "special occasion" excuse any more. I'm so pathetic! Can anyone help?!?!

I just ordered YBB (Yoga Booty Ballet). I've heard good things about this DVD and hope this will get me on the right track again. :) I also got Shape Bikini Body Camp.... WHOO... is that a workout or what?! My goal is to get through the whole thing (I make it about half way through and then poop out). But each time I do it, I get a little bit further. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


My friend has a blog entited "Make Me Smile Monday" though I'm late, better late than never right?

JEPSON - I was thinking of putting Jepson in soccer or T-ball this year and I asked him "what do you want to play, soccor or t-ball? to which he replies "I would like to play X-box!" Oh the times, they are a changin! Little stinker.

BREIGH - Ok... I'm a terrible mom, I can't really think of any Breigh-isms. I really need to be writing them down as they happen, but I'm not that organized. Breigh is really overcoming her shyness and stepping outside of her little shell and I am very pleased about that. I am getting more and more comments like "wow, I never knew Breigh could talk so much"! Oh yes...welcome to my world. She is shy until you get to know her and then she just won't quit. I do remember one time we were riding in the car with my parents and Breigh was just talking up a storm and my dad leaned over and said "Is there an off button on you? and she says "no, but I got a belly button!". Classic! :)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

I'm tagged

I was tagged so I'm delightfully participating. The object is to give 1 word answers... here goes!

Yourself: Cheerful

Your partner: Passionate

Your hair: Awesome!

Your mother: Faithful

Your father: Selfless

Your favorite item: Lipstick

Your dream last night: Family

Your favorite drink: Water

Your dream car: Mercedes

Dream home: Own

The room you are in: Bed

Your fear: Death

What you are great at: Listening

Where you want to be in 10 years: Family

Who you hung out with last night: Nicole

You're not: Tactful

One of your wish list items: Car

The last thing you did: Clean

You are wearing: Jammies

Your favorite weather: Sunny

Your favorite book: Potter

Last thing you ate: Quesadilla

Your life: Happy

Your mood: Calm

Your best friend: Todd

What are you thinking about right now: Tomorrow

Your car: Beetle

What are you doing at the moment: duh

Relationship status: Married

What is on your t.v: Spongebob

When is the last time you laughed: Last night.

I'm tagging Shannon, Kami and Allison.. happy blogging!