Monday, August 23, 2010

My favorite day of the week!

I was recently asked "What is your favorite day of the week". In my younger years, I would probably very quickly reply "Friday, because it starts off the weekend!!". But I have to say, after truly pondering this question, that Sunday is my favorite day of the week. This is an observation I have recently discovered and something I visibly notice as compared to every other day of the week. Why you ask? Pure and simple, I am my happiest on Sunday. I love everything about it. It puts me in such a good mood and gives me time to reflect.

I look forward to going to church every Sunday and be greeted by my lovely Miamaid class girls in YW and realize, week by week, how much they really teach me instead of the other way around. Funny how that happens. They truly amaze me with their insight and knowledge. I love being 1st counselor in the YW program. My calling is the best and I absolutely LOVE being their leader. It rocks!

Sunday is also the one day that we are all together without any other prior engagements or obligations to be anywhere or do anything. Strictly family time (minus the occasional sibling arguments that ensue...not too fond of that!). But, it gives us a chance to spend time with each other.... and reconnect. That's the best!

What's YOUR favorite day of the week?!


{amy k.} said...

i'm in the mia maid class here in utah! wish we were in the same ward and could serve together- that'd be so much fun! the girls are lucky to have you!