Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My New Ride!!

Memorial Day weekend Todd and I decided that we've had it with our non-functioning cars! After putting over $5,000 into our Mazda 626 and my VW beetle was going to need over $1000 of work, we decided to wash our hands of them completely. So we headed down to the Nissan Dealership and we bought two very reliable cars... a 2008 Nissan Altima for Todd and a 2008 Nissan Sentra for me. I can't even tell you how happy I am right now! Call me materialistic if you will, but I'm just happy I have a car that runs and doesn't vibrate sitting in idle. I can go through a drive-thru and not hear the person on the other end tell me "ma'am, you're going to have to drive up, I can't hear you at all!" Yeah, my bug was so loud, no one could hear me order. Rediculous!!

Anyways, I posted up some pics!! Tell me what you think!


tharker said...

That is a pretty little gem of a car! I bet the gas mileage is great too.

Hilarious about the VW in the drive through!! The folks at Mickey D's aren't even going to recognize you!!

Day said...

I love the color!! It's just a good thing you any have two kids and can get away with a smaller car. Us big family people have to drive the big gas guzzling rigs.

I will get to see you very soon!!

I'm so excited!