Saturday, August 8, 2009

A whole lot of nothin'!!

Today and I am sitting here relishing my Saturday morning, something I have been looking forward to doing all week... a day chalk full of a whole lot of nothin'!!

The entire month of July seems to have been packed full of things to do, birthdays, holidays and vacation and literally no time spent at home.

I just came back from 10 day vacation in Washington visiting family, which really was nice, except for the a little virus I contracted while at my sister's house. Yeah, SO not fun, for me or her I assume. Just 4 days prior, she was dealing with a sick little 3-year-old boy and I'm sure she didn't sign up for her baby sister to get sick at her house as well, but luckily it was was only a 24-hour thing, so I was able to salvage and enjoy what I had left of my vacation, house hunting being one of the highlights (yay!).

Then, the very next week my mother-in-law bought a new condo and so we headed off to Ft. Pierce to help her paint and put together furniture so that she could enjoy her new pad before she goes back to work.

This is the first Saturday where we have absolutely nothing planned and I have been enjoying every morsel of it!!


Kami said...

I felt so bad for you that you were sick! I'm glad it was a quick thing though. I showed the New Moon trailer to a sis-in-law today and thought of you! :) Apparently Forks is getting so much Tourism that they're having "Twilight meals" and "Twilight tours" and stuff over there now. LOL! Awesome.

tharker said...

House hunting? Do I hear moving in your future? More this way, perhaps....?

Emily said...
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Emily said...

Yes ma'am! We're moving to Pullman, so I'll only be 2 hours from you :)

tharker said...

PULLMAN!!!????? You have no idea how excited I am right now!!!!!!!!!!!! When is this happening?

Emily said...

Next summer, hopefully! We wanted to let the kids finish out this year in school and then put the house up for sale around early spring and hopefully move as soon as the kids get out of school in June. We're pretty excited since we've been wanting to move for like 5 years! I'm glad you're excited! It will be so much fun to be closer to you!!!

tharker said...

I can't wait!!!