Friday, September 21, 2007

Hannah Montana Frenzy!

Ok... I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I LOVE Hannah Montana! I realize that I am 30 years old and most of her audience is geared for youngsters, but I have finally found a non-animated show that I actually enjoy watching with my 7-year-old daughter. Her songs are awesome and I think empower young girls to be their best self. "Nobody's Perfect" and "I've Got Nerve" just to name a few of my favs.

Well, to my delightment, I found out that Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) is coming to town in November and I thought I would surprise Breigh with tickets. So last Saturday I got on the phone the day tickets went on sale. Do you know the concert sold out in like 3 minutes! NOT FAIR! I guess that's way it goes. I'm just bummed :(


Kami said...

Keep your eyes open still. You know a lot of radio stations and stuff buy groups of seats ahead of time and then do "give-aways" if you call in with the right answer and stuff. I've never seen Hannah Montana but I know the name. I have 2 boys under the age of 6 so Hannah Montana isn't even a blip on our radar.

tharker said...

My Hannah loves Hannah Montana also. Although I've never sat down and watched a whole episode. I think Miley Cyrus is adorable, even if her dad had "An Achy Breaky Heart" at one time. I seem to remember singing and dancing to that song in your room down in the we had some fun times at your old house! I miss those days!