Saturday, September 15, 2007

What DORKS!!!!

Ok. I had an experience today that I just had to blog about. Being the artist that my husband is, he likes comic books and has been collecting them for years. I was a bit embarrassed of this when we met, but love him nonetheless :) He's been out of it for awhile and thought it would be fun to share his love for comic books with our children. So we meandered over to the comic book store with the kids and let them pick out two of their favorites. As I looked around, I could not believe what I was seeing. 30 and 40-year-old grown men playing "cards" with each other and arguing about which villians rock. OMG... could they BE bigger dorks?!?! I mean do they have nothing better to do with their time than hang out at the comic book store? And they wonder why they're It just amazed me and opened my eyes to this new world. I actually had to go into a corner of the store and mask my snickering at them. I just couldn't help myself. Geez!


tharker said...

That's so hilarious! I guess some people never really do grow up. Aren't you so thankful that it wasn't your husband playing in the store???

Emily said...

You have NO idea how grateful I am that Todd wasn't playing!

Kami said...

Yeah, I see that all too well. My husband never collected comic books, but he read his share and always lets me know where the movies deviate from the comic books. He also played D&D in high school which was dormant for a few years but recently his friends have returned and are implementing an every Wednesday night D&D night. It's not the satanic stuff mom warned us about though. It's more like..."Choose Your Own Adventure Story-Telling" night. He knows what form of dork-dom it takes, though, and chooses not to tell many people about it. At least they don't dress up and reinact the stories like some dorks I knew in high school did.