Thursday, September 6, 2007


So I joined Weight Watchers last night in a last ditch effort to lose this extra weight I have been hanging on to. Today was my first day and I have to say, I feel really good! The motivation is back and I am hoping to lose 10 pounds by October 1st. Wish me luck!


Kami said...

That's a really attainable goal. The first week is the easiest. Don't give up! Whenever you're tempted, think of the regret you might have later and think of that slim body you're working for. Tell yourself, "I deserve my hard body again." You had it once and you can have it again!

tharker said...

Emily, you're so awesome for doing this! You've totally got the will power to stick to your new routine!

By the way, I love your profile picture on Facebook. Your hair looks super cute! You should put a profile picture on your blog too : ) hint...hint...