Thursday, December 6, 2007


Early tomorrow morning, Breigh will be getting her tonsils out. She has really been struggling to breathe at night and so Todd and I were worried because she seems to be tired all the time and not getting enough sleep (or at least I'm blaming her outbursts and bad behavior on that anyways). Come to find out, her tonsils are 3 times the normal size they should be and they are so enlarged that they are touching! It is totally disgusting to look at inside her mouth. They are the size of two golf balls in the back of her throat! She is terrified of surgery, but she knows she will feel SO much better with them out.

So, tonite we are going to let her pick where she wants to go out and eat for her "last supper" since she will be only able to tolerate liquids and ice-cream for awhile. Wish us luck!


tharker said...

Poor Breigh! But like you said she will feel so much better when this is all over. Good job getting it done now so that she can enjoy the holidays!

Day said...

Good luck, Breigh. I can totally sympathize. I had mine out when I was 11 or 12 and that was scarey for me. Taylor has the same issue with enlarged tonsils. Apparently hers are not big enough to take out, yet.

We'll keep her in our prays. Keep us updated on her progress. Love you and miss you!!